module 16 (final)
1. What were your expectations for this course and where they met? My expectations for this course were to learn about ways that you can develop art and to explore more artists and their work. I also wanted to learn about the various steps that go into generating different types of art. I would definitely say that my expectations for this course were met. 2. Now that you've been through this course, What is art? How would you define it now compared to your initial posting? Art is a component of life that is considered an expressive outlet for individuals. It is a way that people both express who they are and also paint a picture of things taking place in the world. Art can be a way in which individuals generate a response and document things that are taking place whether socially or politically. There are a variety of ways in which art can be expressed, such as through paintings, photographs, sculptures or even putting pieces of items together that interest you. My definitio...