module 7 video response

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
I learned a few things from watching the two videos. In the video Architecture: The Science of Design I learned that a skyscraper is made up of two distinct parts. One part is the superstructure, which is the art that stands above ground that we recognize as the building. Another part is the underground substructure.Taking the power that wind has into consideration is also important. It is significant that when designing buildings, that the structure is strong and secured enough to handle wind. The higher a building is, the more violent the wind gets, so it is important that the structure of buildings are properly built to ensure safety. I also learned that to make concrete, there are a lot of components that go into the development. The video Frank Gehry: Architecture as Art talks about the first step in Architecture, which is sketching. I learned that buildings can create an emotional response to people. Frank Gehry expressed that he tries to make buildings that interact with human responses; a sense of feeling that people might have is important to him while creating buildings. Gehry also talks about the inspiration he gets from paintings and he puts that into his work.

2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The videos relate to the readings in the text because they discuss key points. Both videos and the text speak about the process of Architecture. Architecture: The Science of Design video and the book both speak about the importance of the structure of buildings.They discuss what goes into making sure that buildings are sturdy enough that when they encounter harsh conditions they do not fall apart or cause injuries. Frank Gehry: Architecture as Art and the book talks about the emotional connection that people can have with art and buildings. They also discuss the thought that goes into creating structures that will make people drawn to them emotionally and cause reactions.

3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?
I think that both films were great and I enjoyed watching them. I was able to get visual representations of the process of architecture and what goes into the process. I got to see the art side of making buildings.They added more depth to my understanding of Architecture because I was able to see a step by step process of architecture. Getting information from Architects helped me understand more as well because I got first hand information, which helped me to get more connected to the art of building making. I was also able to understand the hard work and inspiration that goes into architecture.

4. Why did you choose the films that you watched?

I chose the videos that I watched because at first glance, the titles seemed the most interesting to me. I also wanted to know more about architecture, how it ties into art and design, and what the process involves. I was curious to know about the details that goes into making buildings; I wanted to see the process from the point of view of Architects. Another thing that made me watch the videos was to get information on how architects feel about creating buildings and what goes into the thought process before starting projects.
