module 6 video response

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
There were a few things that I learned in each of the videos. In the sculptor video, I learned that there is a team in the sculpting process and that each person on that team is assigned a particular job based on what they specialize in. I also learned that the material plays a major role in the outcome of the work. Basically, the artist depends on the feeling they get from the material, which usually determines what they should make. They get an emotional attachment from the material. From the Glass and Ceramic video, I learned that they both are very similar. They are made up of similar substances and the process of making them are alike. I learned about the important role that fire plays in class making and the hardening process. After the mixture with the chemicals are made turning it into a solid and using fire to hold it was another thing that I learned.
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
The videos relate to the text because they focus on major points that are also discussed in the text. The processes of Casting and carving are discussed in the sculptor video as well as in the text. The Glass and Ceramics video and the text both discuss the process of glass blowing. This particular video also speaks about the process of glass making and how that process came about. Another thing discussed in the Glass and Ceramics video as well as the text is stained glass and elements of it. The videos helped to visualize some of the things that are in the book by making them more vivid for me. I was able to better connect with the information in the text because of the video.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the topics: Sculpture, Installation, and Craft?
I actually enjoyed watching both of the videos. I got the opportunity to get information on things in the art world that I was not previously exposed to. The video about sculpture allowed me to see how in tuned and connected artists have to be with the process and the materials they use to decide how to go about what they want to sculpt. The ending process of sculptures is what fascinated me the most. Although there is a lot of work that goes into the process of sculpting, the artists are able to make the work look so effortless because of how flawless the finished product are. The Glass and Ceramics video spoke about the craft of making glass and ceramic. The installation process of stained glass is focused on in the video. I was able to see the technique that goes behind the cutting of the glass and how artists strategically place them. The videos took me on a journey and allowed me to see the process from the point of view of the individuals who create these pieces of art. I got a break down of the hard work and techniques that artists put into their works and can better appreciate what they do.
